July 22, 2022

How to get a quick Divorce

A quick Divorce means an amicable Divorce. The more you argue the longer it takes. Carol Toulson, partner and specialist Divorce solicitor discusses how you can get a quick Divorce.

Whatever the circumstances that have led to your relationship breaking down, there are real advantages in achieving an amicable Divorce or separation.  Speed is not the only advantage; an amicable Divorce will also be cheaper and less stressful. You and your spouse will benefit but most importantly there are huge benefits to any children as well as extended family.

Children can adapt to change but witnessing hostility between their parents or their parents distressed can be hugely difficult for them. An amicable and quick divorce means less stress for your children throughout the process.  

Quick Divorce: keep things amicable

Consider what kind of relationship you want to have with your ex in the immediate and long term future. If you have children you will have an ongoing relationship as you co-parent your children. Even if you do not have children, you may wish to retain a relationship with friends or extended family.

Get legal advice at the earliest opportunity

Legal advice at an early stage, will give you a good idea of the options available to you and your ex. It is pointless wasting time arguing about something that is not legally possible or something that a court would consider unreasonable. Your solicitor will tell you if what you are proposing is fair and reasonable.

Narrow the issues

Again this is something your solicitor can assist you with. Work out what has already been agreed and then then concentrate only on the issues in dispute. Work through issues one step at a time rather than trying to look at everything at once, which can be overwhelming and hamper the possibility of obtaining a quick Divorce.

Mediation for a quick Divorce

Mediation can be a very useful tool in assisting you and your partner to reach an agreement in a timely manner, thus assisting you to achieve your desired quick divorce. Your solicitor can make a referral to a mediator that suits you and your circumstances.

If you have an agreement

If you are able to reach an amicable agreement, we would always advise that your agreement is incorporated into a legally binding document. If you are divorcing, this can be done by way of a Court Order sent to the Court with the consent of both parties. This is often referred to as a Consent Order. A solicitor can draft this for you and once approved it is sent to the Court with a Statement of Information for a Consent Order.  The Statement of Information for a Consent Order should be an accurate picture of both parties current financial positions.  The Judge will consider the Statement and the Order  and if approved will seal the Order which means that it will be legally binding.

In the event you decide you do not wish to divorce, your solicitor can draft a Deed of Separation which is a contract drawn up between both parties, incorporating your agreement.

If you don’t have a legal agreement, any arrangements between you are open to dispute in the future. Unfortunately, it is often the case that things do change in the future or small misunderstandings will occur.  If you have your agreement legally drawn up it should stop arguments in the future or arrangements being changed without your mutual consent. It is important that even if a quick Divorce is your aim, you have a binding legal agreement.

Our Approach

At Holmes & Hills LLP our solicitors are committed in moving forward with an amicable and non-confrontational approach.  The last thing we want to do is to make things more difficult for our clients.  We are here to provide our clients with legal advice and support through a very difficult process.  We do not want to make things more difficult for you.  Our solicitors are also all members of Resolution prescribing to the Resolution code of practice.  We wish to resolve matters for our clients in a non-confrontational way believing family law disputes should be dealt with in a constructive way designed to preserve people’s dignity and to encourage agreement.

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The content of this article is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice. The information given in this article is correct at the date of publication.

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Carol Toulson



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