February 7, 2017

Government White Papers on Housing & Development

Today has seen the publication of two long awaited documents:

1.Government White Paper on Housing—“Fixing our broken Housing Market”

It contains many new initiatives some of which are subject to consultation.  Of particular interest to us:-

  • a proposed new definition of Affordable Housing which includes Starter Homes but removes the mandatory requirement to provide Starter Homes
  • a proposed mandatory 10% Affordable Homes provision on sites of 10+ units (or 0.5+ hectares)
  • a proposal to shorten the time scale for implementing a planning permission and enhanced use of completion notices where development has stalled
  • a proposed new housing delivery test with a tiered approached to address under delivery using national policy and guidance

We will review the paper and provide further comment shortly.

2. A New Approach to Developer Contributions

We do not yet have the governments response to the review but it too contains some interesting provisions:-

  • Strengthen the tests in Reg 122
  • A new Local Infrastructure Levy which will be paid by all developers with Developments of 10 or more units being able to negotiate  s106 agreement
  • Removal of pooling restrictions for S106 financial contributions

We will review and provide further comment shortly.

CIL Review: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/community-infrastructure-levy-review-report-to-government 

Housing White Paper: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/fixing-our-broken-housing-market

Further comment on these White Papers will be provided by Holmes & Hills' Planning Law solicitors shortly.


The content of this article is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice. The information given in this article is correct at the date of publication.

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