In recent months Holmes & Hills’ team of divorce solicitors in Essex has seen a significant increase in the number of long-term separated couples seeking to formally divorce.
Since launching a range of fixed-fee divorce services late last year, divorce solicitors at Holmes & Hills have been dealing with enquiries from a large number of couples who, although separated from their partner for a long period, in some cases many years, are only now taking steps to formally divorce. For many, fears of high legal fees have put them off approaching a divorce solicitor and commencing formal separation proceedings. However, with the launch of Holmes & Hills’ fixed-fee divorce services, the cost of advice and representation is capped, giving you one less thing to worry about at what can be a difficult time.
Holmes & Hills Solicitors recognises that couples are approaching divorce differently. Some couples going through an amicable separation are choosing to complete some of the process themselves and only involve a solicitor for more complex documentation or for liaising with the court. Whilst others require more in-depth advice and representation, for instance where there are disputes or where financial settlements or children are involved. That is why we have launched these divorce services with flexibility in mind.
Starting from the very first meeting with your Holmes & Hills’ divorce solicitor, you can ensure you have complete control over your legal costs. You are able to have an initial meeting to discuss your circumstances and receive initial advice on how best to progress with your separation.
Regardless of the type of service you choose to go ahead with, your Holmes & Hills divorce solicitor will give you expert advice and ensure your interests are protected throughout the course of your separation.
Holmes & Hills Solicitors have offices across North Essex and represent clients in divorce proceedings across Essex and South Suffolk.
For further information on Holmes & Hills' divorce and separation services, call our specialist Family Law solicitors on 01376 320456. Holmes & Hills Solicitors in Braintree also has offices in Sudbury, Halstead, Tiptree and Coggeshall.
The content of this article is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice. The information given in this article is correct at the date of publication.
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