January 12, 2012

PIP breast implant update

What should you do if you are concerned?

  • Locate your medical records and find out if you have PIP implants. If you had PIP implants on the NHS you can request your medical notes from your GP. The NHS will also be writing to all the women they gave PIP implants to over the next few weeks.
  • If you had your implants done privately you can request this information from the private practice you used.
  • Speak to your GP or private practice to discuss whether you need a scan and whether removal is advisable in your case.
  • If after speaking with your GP you decide you want your implants replaced the NHS will remove and replace your implants for free if the NHS undertook your original operation to put them in.
  • Private patients will have to discuss with their clinic whether they are offering free removal and replacement. A list of practices currently offering free procedures to patients can be seen below.
  • If your private clinic is no longer in business or is refusing to remove your implants speak to your GP about having them removed on the NHS. Note: the NHS is currently only removing, not replacing implants for private patients.

Signs of a ruptured implant:

  • Lumps on the breast/s
  • Swelling around the breast/s
  • The breast has changed shape
  • Pain and sensitivity in the breast/s
  • Deflation of the breast/s

NHS (England) will remove but not replace:

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has announced the NHS will remove PIP breast implants free of charge for women wishing to have them taken out.

Whether women had their breast implants put in on the NHS, or privately through a cosmetic surgery clinic, the NHS will remove the implants free of charge. However, at this stage the NHS in England will not replace the implants unless there is a medical reason for doing so.

Those women who had their PIP implants from the NHS in the first instance will be able to have them removed and replaced on the NHS without any cost to themselves.

Women in England wishing to have their implants removed or replaced on the NHS should contact their GP. Your GP should be able to explain how you can go about having your implants removed.

NHS (Wales) will remove and replace:

Women in Wales with PIP breast implants will be able to have their implants removed and replaced free of charge on the NHS whether they had them implanted by the NHS or by a private clinic.

Women in Wales wishing to have their implants removed and replaced on the NHS should contact their GP who will explain how you can go about having your PIP implants removed.

Private clinics do not have to remove or replace:

Women in England who received their PIP implants from a private clinic are not entitled to free removal and replacement on the NHS. Private clinics are also not legally obliged, at this point in time, to remove or replace the PIP implants they have fitted free of charge.

Many of the private cosmetic clinics which used PIP implants have since gone into liquidation or been dissolved by their owners. For the women who received their PIP implants from these clinics, they will either have to have their implants removed on the NHS for free or pay another private clinic to have them removed and replaced.

Some private clinics have announced they will remove and replace all the PIP implants they have used free of charge. Others are however currently refusing to offer this and are charging for the removal and replacement. Many clinics are offering free consultations and scans to patients in order to assess whether the implants have ruptured and whether they have caused any damage.

Clinics currently offering free removal and replacement, where required, are:

  • Holly House
  • Highgate Hospitals
  • Make Yourself Amazing
  • Ramsey Healthcare
  • Spire Healthcare
  • BMI Healthcare
  • Nuffield Healthcare
  • HCA International

It is recommended that women who know they have PIP breast implants, or are unsure whether they have PIP implants, contact the clinic where they had their operation.

Where do women with PIP implants stand legally?

Unfortunately each case is highly dependent on its own circumstances, for instance whether there has been pain, suffering or illness caused by the implants. In order to determine whether you may be able to make a claim for compensation, expenses and other losses it is advised you speak to a solicitor.

Christopher Livingston, a specialist clinical negligence solicitor and Partner at Holmes & Hills Solicitors, is giving no win, no fee legal advice and support to women across the country in relation to PIP implants. If you would like to discuss your case with a solicitor, Chris can be contacted on 01376 529299.


The content of this article is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice. The information given in this article is correct at the date of publication.

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