December 22, 2011

Metal hip replacements: claims for compensation grow

Fresh concerns have been raised over the safety of metal-on-metal hip replacement units widely used in hip replacement operations. These hips  have been implanted into tens of thousands of patients and continue to be to be used in hospitals across the country.

Concerns over metal-on-metal hip units:

In October 2010 the ASR (Articular Surface Replacement) hip unit – developed and marketed by DePuy (part of the Johnson & Johnson company) – was recalled after evidence suggested the hip failed in as many as 21% of cases after four years and up to 49% after six years. Worryingly, statistics recently released by the Australian joint registry (ANJRR) show other models of metal-on-metal hips, widely used in hospitals in the UK, also have significantly high failure rates.

Health problems related to metal-on-metal hip replacements:

Many recipients of these metal-on-metal hip replacements have reported suffering swelling and recurring pain around their hip joint as well as headaches and other symptoms not obviously connected to their hip replacement. In the most serious of cases patients have suffered erosion of soft tissue around the joint and even metallosis – a form of blood poisoning – whereby dangerously high levels of the metals used to manufacture the hip are found in the bloodstream.

Thousands of patients across the country have had to undergo surgery to prematurely replace their hip or repair damage caused by the hip replacement unit. Many of these patients are seeking legal advice with regards to making a compensation claim against the manufacturers of these hips.

What UK medical authorities are saying:

The UK’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) has released an announcement warning of the possible dangers of all types of metal-on-metal hips and encourage doctors and hospitals to contact and periodically follow up patients who have received a metal-on-metal hip.

What should you do if you are concerned?

If you, a friend or a relative have received a hip replacement and believe you/they may be suffering problems, Holmes & Hills solicitors can offer advice on:

How you can find out what type of hip unit you have been fitted with

Whether any problems you are suffering may be linked to your hip replacement
Who the best person to approach is if you require medical attention

How you can make a claim for compensation

Holmes & Hills' team of personal injury and clinical negligence solicitors are acting for clients across the UK in relation to claiming compensation for metal-on-metal hip replacement operations.


The content of this article is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice. The information given in this article is correct at the date of publication.

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