April 4, 2011

Right royal benefits for licensed premises

The wedding between His Royal Highness Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton is to take place on Friday 29th April 2011. To mark the occasion, the Secretary of State has announced that in addition to declaring 29th April a public holiday, under The Licensing Act 2003 (Royal Wedding Licensing Hours) Order 2011 licensed premises will be permitted to extend licensing hours on April 29 and 30 for a further two hours for celebratory events.

Under section 172 of the Licensing Act 2003, the Secretary of State may make an order relaxing opening hours for licensed premises to mark an occasion of ‘exceptional international, national or local significance’. The Royal Wedding is considered such an occasion.

Under the order a licensed premises will be allowed to stay open until 1a.m. (an extra two hours) on both April 29 and 30 for the sale of alcohol, for consumption on the premises, and regulated entertainment; there will be no need to apply for a Temporary Event Notice. This extension of opening hours is to include premises offering late night refreshment but only where alcohol is also being sold. It does not include premises which sell alcohol to be consumed off the premises or ‘takeaway’ establishments.

If a licensed premises wishes to extend beyond the two hours granted, or a licensed premises which falls outside of the order would like to extend its hours, it is necessary to apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) under the Licensing Act 2003. The usual application process and notices apply and must be served on the Local Authority and police on or before Tuesday 12th April.


The content of this article is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other
professional advice. The information given in this article is correct at the date of publication.

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