As a business owner, you will be well aware that unpaid debt can severely impact cash flow. Recovering unpaid invoices can be tricky and time consuming, which is where a solicitor to implement debt collection can assist, to save your business time and money. The below case study demonstrates just how valuable debt recovery can be for a business.
Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd are a prominent agricultural supplier across the South and South-East of England, established for over 100 years. For many of these years, they have been coming to Holmes & Hills for debt recovery services.
When Ernest Doe approached Holmes & Hills debt recovery specialist Angela Watson, they were owed almost £10,000 from a large plant hire company. The debt spanned over 3 separate invoices.
The first step in the debt recovery process was to send a solicitor’s letter, detailing the amount owed, and threatening county court proceedings if the debt isn’t cleared within 7 days. Holmes & Hills debt recovery solicitors have a 96% success rate at this first stage, achieving minimal fees and maximum efficiency for our clients.
After 7 days with no response, Angela chased the debtor by phone and email. This resulted in immediate payment of all money owed, plus interest and compensation. This was a brilliant result for Ernest Doe, and another successful story of debt recovery for Holmes & Hills.
Accounts manager for Ernest Doe said, “Holmes & Hills professional and personal approach has enabled us to understand the complexities of the legal situations we encounter, and as a result we have reduced our aged debt considerably."
If your business could benefit from debt management, Holmes & Hills offer a debt recovery services. For initial advice, contact Harry Grant on 01376 320456 or email
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