Whether young or old, in the event that you or a loved one needed help and support with making financial or health and welfare decisions for any mental or physical reason, making a power of attorney will enable the necessary support and assistance to be given.
There will be 1,000,000 people living with dementia in the UK by 2025. However, dementia doesn’t discriminate and there are currently 44,000 young people living with this disease.*
We can’t all predict the future, so it is important for all of us to plan ahead and have in place the documents our loved ones would need to help us.
There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Property and Financial – where those you appoint help with investments, selling property, operating bank accounts, paying bills and sorting out state benefits.
Health and Welfare – where those you appoint help with decisions about where you live, the type of care you receive and consent or refusal of life sustaining treatment on your behalf (but only if you are unable to make these decisions for yourself).
Prior to October 2007 some people would have made an Enduring Power of Attorney only dealing with their property and financial affairs. These remain valid but must be registered by your Attorneys with the Office of the Public Guardian if you have become or are becoming mentally incapable of managing your own affairs.
If you have an Enduring Power of Attorney but would also like your attorneys to make health and welfare decisions on your behalf you must make a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare.
Unfortunately, not every one has had the opportunity to plan for the future and make Powers of Attorney before losing mental capacity. Their family may still need to help with their financial affairs. In these circumstances a Deputyship order is required from the Court of Protection. We can help you through the application process.
For people of all ages the thought of contactingand dealing with legal matters can be an ordeal. Our team of friendly dedicated professionals are committed to providing advice and support to you and your family, whether planning for the future, receiving a recent diagnosis or requiring help because a loved one can no longer make decisions for themselves. Our bespoke service will address concerns you might have and guide you through the legal process.
You are welcome to attend any of our offices or if you would feel more at ease a home visit can be arranged on request.
Your lawyer will tailor all letters to you (where emails are not being used) to ensure you can easily read these, including allowing you to dictate font sizes. A small detail, but an important one if your sight is impaired.
* Alzheimer’s Society report - Dementia 2014: Opportunity for Change
A Mackman Group collaboration - market research by Mackman Research | website design by Mackman