October 25, 2024

Lower Thames Crossing: October 2024 update

Specialist CPO solicitor, Melanie Francis, takes a look at the recent decision by the government regarding the proposed Lower Thames Crossing, connecting Essex and Kent.

The Secretary of State for Transport, Louise Haigh, made a statement on the 7th October extending the deadline for the decision on the application by National Highways for the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order.

Under section 107(1) of the Planning Act 2008, a decision on an application must be made within 3 months of receipt of the Examining Authority’s report, unless the power, under section 107(3), is exercised to extend the deadline, and a Written Ministerial Statement is made to Parliament announcing the new deadline.

The Examining Authority’s report on the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order was received on 20 March 2024. The current deadline for a decision is 4 October 2024, having been extended from 20 June 2024 by way of Written Ministerial Statement, dated 24 May 2024.

The deadline for the decision is to be further extended to 23 May 2025 in order to allow more time for the application to be considered further, including any decisions made as part of the spending review.

The decision to set a new deadline is without prejudice to the decision on whether to grant the application development consent.

If you require any advice regarding development consent or compulsory purchase orders, contact the specialist compulsory purchase order solicitors at Holmes & Hills.

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