October 9, 2024

National Grid Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement October 2024 update

Specialist CPO solicitor, Catherine Hibbert, takes a look at the latest update from National Grid regarding the Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement.

On 12th September 2024, The Secretary of State confirmed the National Grid (Bramford to Twinstead Reinforcement) Order 2024. This Development Consent Order, will come into force on 4th October 2024 and will authorise the construction and use of a reinforcement to the electricity transmission network between Bramford in Suffolk and Twinstead Tee in Essex. This will entail the removal of around 27km of existing overhead line and replacing with approximately 29km of new 400kv transmission line, of which around 11km of line will run underground. The remaining 18km of new line will run on overhead lines, supported by 50 pylons.

This decision follows a public examination which took place in 2023/24; The Secretary of State accepted the Examining Authority’s conclusion that the case for this proposed development had been made and accepted that the public benefits of the scheme would outweigh identified harms.

Great positive weight was attached to the need case for this proposal; the role this new infrastructure will bring in helping the Government meet its target to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 was key.

A legal challenge period will follow. Subject to that and to statutory notification processes being undertaken, affected landowners can expect to receive formal notification in due course as to the implementation of compulsory purchase powers in relation to property falling within the Scheme Order limits. Unless any legal challenge to the making of the Order is upheld, affected landowners will be compelled to transfer any property/rights identified in the confirmed Order to National Grid; where title interests are acquired/interfered with, landowners will have a claim for compensation.

If you are affected by the Bramford to Twinstead Scheme and require support in understanding the scope of your claim and your next practical steps, please do not hesitate to contact Holmes & Hills’ specialist division of compulsory purchase order solicitors.

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